In good company.

Find out why accountants prefer Tallie.


Partner Benefits


Accelerate your clients’ workflow with automated expense reports and timesheets that will deliver lower costs, greater efficiency and financial visibility.


Access sales and marketing resources to grow your business.


Receive unlimited support for you and your clients.

What our partners are saying.

"Tallie is a game changer. We chose them as a strategic technology partner because they are setting the standard for automating expense workflow, a core requirement for Next Generation Accounting Firms®."

- Darren Root, CEO and Founder, Rootworks

“Tallie was selected for the Awesome Application honor by public votes and accounting technology thought leaders because it helps solve a critical business process and also integrates seamlessly with other small business management platforms, particularly for those in the accounting industry. The combination of Tallie and makes the whole expense management process smooth, secure, paperless, and efficient.”

- Doug Sleeter, Founder and President, The Sleeter Group

“Tallie has provided an elegant, easy-to-use solution for my own staff. We just snap pictures of our receipts using our smartphones or iPads, enter cash purchases, and record mileage. I’m eager to share it with BMRG members.”

- Jennifer Katrulya, Founder and CEO, BMRG

"Having a single system of record for financial data and all related source files means a firm is always audit-ready. Tallie adds tremendous additional value beyond data integration by distributing the onerous task of uploading source documents."

- Eric Pulaski, Founder and CEO, SmartVault

“Tallie offers a truly seamless expense report solution for the Client Accounting Services market. We use Tallie in our own business and they are worth a close look for any firm looking to leverage technology and the cloud to drive growth and improve its clients' business performance.”

- Joe Woodard, QuickBooks Expert and Founder of National Adviser Network, Woodard

“Tallie is one of the best new accounting apps available today, from automating expense reports to easy on-the-go expense management, we feel confident we’re providing our clients with the best available tools when we recommend adding Tallie to their accounting processes. And we don’t just stop at our clients — it is’s ‘go-to’ expense management app as well.”

- Bill Berger, CEO,

Become a Partner

Tallie aligns with the top service providers and accounting consultants to ensure expert knowledge at every level.

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